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Working as a self-employed in Spain

The actual process of working as a self-employed person in Spain (known as “Autónomo” is quite straightforward, but expats interested in doing so will need a financial consultant to help them get established, handle their income tax returns and IVA (the Spanish equivalent of value added-tax). In BCN Consulting we can bring you the options and the consultancy to operate with a complete legal status as an “Autónomo” in Spain.

Anyone from another EU country can come to Spain and start work without any special requirements, but this is not the case for non-EU nationals who will need a “Cuenta Propia” permit to legally do this kind of work. We can also work obtaining this work permits, in BCN Consulting we have experience with all this kind of administrative procedures.

Being self-employed also legally requires contributions to the tax system in Spain, this is an important issue that requires attention every three months for the IVA returns and a yearly tax return, and BCN Consulting can help you as economic counselor and adviser in order to be ready for this periodical procedures.

Our address is Plaça Pes de la Palla, núm. 3, Entlo. 2A, CP 08001, Barcelona, Spain

Email address:

Phone number: 0034 931 861 437 - 0034 678 112 059

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